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Below is some general information around what we can offer.


ENGAGE is happy to talk more around options. We can be flexible, because we know our stuff.


Contact us for more information around content if you need it. Pricing will vary according to which option you choose, and your location.

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Full/ Half day Training


Online Training


Community Presentations



Full / Half Day Training

Because we know our stuff, we can be really flexible with the content during full and half day trainings.


All you need to do is decide on the general theme of your training. Over the half/full day, there will be interaction and this creates flexibility for your audience. This is the ideal session to chose if you want to really unpack particular topics within Neuroscience.


The longer ENGAGE has to work with you, the more information and discussion can happen. So the decision around half or full day will be dictated by your availability. The number of people is also up to you. You need to consider the dynamics of the people in the room. If you want full and open discussion, you will need to think about who is present. If you are okay with a more ‘direct delivery’ approach, then you don’t need to worry too much about who is in the room. Numbers are not limited by ENGAGE Training.


Topics Available for Full/Half Day Sessions include (but are not limited to):

Open Flyers for Further Information​


  • Understanding the Impact Early Trauma can have on the Developing Brain.​




  • Raising Resilience​




  • Unpacking the Changes that Occur in the Adolescent Brain​




  • Self Care – Looking after ourselves, so we can look after others​







Online training is best to be kept under two hours, but if you wanted longer, we are happy to deliver that for you.


We can deliver online on whichever platform you prefer. If ENGAGE is initiating the training, it will be delivered on Zoom.


The subjects we can deliver online include, but are not limited to:


  • Understanding Behaviour

  • Impact of Early Trauma

  • Adolescent Brain Changes

  • Raising Resilience

  • Self-Care

  • The Impact of Devices on Brain Development

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ENGAGE can deliver a 90min presentation to your community.


This is often a good addition when a school or organisation has had a full or half day training. It helps ensure the message is shared across a larger expanse, which increases the likelihood of change.


The subjects ENGAGE can deliver to communities are:


  • Raising Resilience​

  • Understanding Behaviour​

  • What’s Going On – Understanding the Adolescent Years​

  • Device Zombies


ENGAGE has delivered many keynotes, rousing the audiences of conferences. You want your people leaving a conference buzzing and chatting about what they heard from the stage. ENGAGE will deliver this.


It is often useful to combine a keynote with a workshop, if your conference timing allows. ENGAGE will deliver the keynote, then run a workshop so those who want to come and unpack what they heard, can do so.


The keynote subject options include:

  • Self-Care: Looking after yourself so you can look after others

  • Why is behaviour increasing in our schools?

  • The impact of Early Development

  • The Adolescent Changes

  • Device Zombies

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