Provisional Timetable
Session #1: 1pm – 2:30
Overview of aim and content for next few days
Session #2: 3:30 – 5pm
The Brain Architecture Game
Trauma definition
Understanding the implication of Neurodiversity on over-sensitisation (this will also be weaved in throughout the sessions)
Session #3: 9-10:30
Quick review Red/Green Brain
Biology of Stress Response Activation
Sensitisation vs Habituation
Session #4: 11-12:30
Cultural impact on brain development
Biologically respectful practice in assessment and intervention (Part 1)
Break now for you to eat, walk, swim, spa etc. Think about the content. Kathryn will be available during some of this time for small/individual chats.
Session #5: 4-5:30
​This time will be open for feedback, questions, case studies etc. It will be time to embed the information we have heard during the day, and add anything that is needed for your full understanding.
Session #6: 9-10:30
How often / How long assessment model
Session #7: 11-12:30
Adolescent Brain changes
The impact of the modern world on these biological changes
Devices – the good and the bad
Implementation of information into practice #1
Break now for you to eat, walk, swim, spa etc. Think about the content. Kathryn will be available during some of this time for small/individual chats.
Session #8: 4-5:30
This time will be open for feedback, questions, case studies etc. It will be time to embed the information we have heard during the day, and add anything that is needed for your full understanding.
Session #9: 9-10:30
Self Care
A dysregulated adult cannot regulate a dysregulated child
Implementation of information into practice #2
Session #10: 11-12:30
Overview of what has been learnt
Any final questions, comments
Feedback and Farewell